Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, belatedly

The back story on this column, which appeared on Thanksgiving Day, 2010, is that one day in a meeting, it was realized that we had no stories to post for Thanksgiving Day.

I had a day off that week, and decided to see what I could cook up.

Here's what came out. I received several nice notes from strangers who enjoyed the laugh.

A better attitude at Thanksgiving is as easy as pie

09:27 PM CST on Wednesday, November 24, 2010

By MICHAEL MERSCHEL / The Dallas Morning News

This Thanksgiving, Americans are on edge. We find ourselves in the middle of one of the most depressing eras in generations, having suffered unprecedented losses, seen people abruptly thrown out of work and, despite faint signs of a turnaround, facing the reality that grim times may be here to stay.

And that's just if we are Dallas Cowboys fans. Things are almost as bad for everyone else.

Which is why on this day of national gratitude, many of us are wondering, "What is there to be grateful for?" We are tense. We have just endured one of the most rancorous and polarizing elections since – the last one. We face a Congress divided between the correct party and those incompetents who threaten our very way of life. Bitterness and acrimony linger in the air. (Whoops! That's the second pie crust I've burned this week. Let me open a window.)Yet we remain Americans, one and all. Except for the 95 percent of the planet who are not Americans, but they are not my problem today. I am here to find common ground, to find the things that we can all appreciate about this day and this land, things that will lead us, in a spirit of unity, to bow our heads together and give thanks to Almighty ...

Hmm? OK, maybe we can close our eyes and silently meditate on ...

Oh, look, we can all just find a way to be thankful that:

•Today we will probably get to eat a slice of pumpkin pie, which has 45 percent of our daily recommended allowance of vitamin A. Which means we should eat at least two slices. For health reasons.

•We live in a nation where somewhere, even today, there is a grocery store open that will sell us a tub of nondairy whipped topping, which is handy since everybody suddenly got hungry for a second slice of pie.

•If we're stuck working in a grocery store or restaurant today, schlepping nondairy whipped topping to decidedly ungrateful-looking people, we can be thankful for employment and the knowledge that at the end of our shift, there is probably a pumpkin pie that can had at a substantial employee discount. Especially if the manager is friendly or looking the other way.

•If we are hosting Thanksgiving for our extended family, that we didn't have to go out on those horribly jammed highways.

•If we are spending Thanksgiving away from home, that we didn't have to worry about preparing the turkey.

•Either way, if we are just able to get through today without blowing up at our sibling who really deserves it, that we won't have to see them again until at least Christmas, and, with luck, the family reunion next summer.

•We live in an age where, in the name of "helping set the mood," we can sit at our laptops all morning and download all the Thanksgiving music in the world, including songs by artists we can all agree are great Americans: Kris Kristofferson and Jerry Lee Lewis, "The Pilgrim;" Sam and Dave, "I Thank You;" Willie Nelson, "Amazing Grace;" and "Weird Al" Yankovic, "Eat It."

•We can then play these songs on our headphones and sit quietly in a recliner, in the name of "staying out of the way."

•Nobody really cares that our efforts to cut thin, even slices of turkey are just going to result in a mangled pile of stringy meat, again, because they don't really care for the turkey anyway – they're just waiting for the pie.

•And even if the grocery stores are closed by now, they probably still have nondairy whipped topping at a convenience store.

•Or maybe your neighbor has some. We can be thankful that Americans have blissfully short attention spans, and they probably have forgiven you for that sign you put up right before the election.

•If we are American Indians, we can smugly claim the high ground in noting who it was who kept those sorry Pilgrims alive. If we are not American Indians, we can humbly agree it is nice to have good neighbors who do not burn your house down even when you might deserve it.

•Speaking of burning, one of the great things about pumpkin pie is that if the crust is a little overdone, you can sort of snap it off and slather the filling with nondairy whipped topping and make what I like to think of as a pumpkin-cream-custard dessert, which you can stuff in your mouth to keep yourself from saying something rude to your in-laws when a potentially political topic comes up, such as that sign you had in your yard, or who has the moral high ground when it comes to territory once lived on by American Indians.

•We can all agree that there is either too much football on TV, or not nearly enough.

•We can be thankful that the house is big enough for the people who think one way to gather in one room, and for the others to gather in another. Because we're not always going to agree on everything. And that's OK. We can still be civil toward one another and be grateful for whatever it is we've got.

•Especially pie. Anyone for thirds?

GuideDaily assistant editor Michael Merschel will be eating his pumpkin pie at home in Richardson.

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